Editing services

mistakes-1756958_1920I can’t remember a time I wasn’t lugging around a book with me. I used to get in trouble as a kid because I’d bring one to the dinner table to read while we ate — a habit that continues to this day! I always knew I wanted to work with words in some capacity, and I ended up getting my degree in journalism. That was the start of my editing career, nearly 20 years ago. I have since worked as an editor for two magazines and two newspapers, and had freelance jobs editing everything from books to blogs.

Through the years, my personal reading habits have spanned many genres, but about four years ago I came across my first MM book and was hooked. In addition to writing MM books, I also edit them as part of the LesCourt Author Services team.

If you’re interested in more information about my services, you can visit LesCourt or send me an email.

I currently offer these services and am generally booking about a month in advance:

  • Developmental editing
  • Copy editing
  • Proofreading
  • Beta Reading